
Journal Articles

  • “A roadmap to support the development of chemistry Virtual Reality Learning Environments merging chemical pedagogy and educational technology design”, Emmanuel Echeverri-Jimenez and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Jpurnal of Chemical Education, 2024, 101(6), 244-2256.
  • “Lessons Learned: The Use of an Augmented Reality Application in Organic Chemistry Laboratories”, L. Wright Ward, Spencer D. Chauhan, and M. Oliver-Hoyo, Frontiers in Education, Section STEM Education, 2024, 9. ISSN=2504-284X
  • “Visual-Spatial Skills, Strategies, and Challenges to Extract, Represent and Predict Stereochemical Outcomes of Cycloadditions using a Hexagonal Prism Reference Frame”, Emmanuel Echeverri and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2023, 100(7), 2483-2494.
  • Gaussian-2-Blender: An open-source program for conversion of computational chemistry structure files to 3D rendering and printing file formats”, Emmanuel Echeverri and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 98(10), 3348-3355.
  • “Development and Evaluation of the H NMR MoleculAR Application”, Lyniesha C. Wright and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2021, 98(2), 478-488.
  • “The Design of Instructional Resources Aimed at Improving Visualization in Order to Promote Understanding of Chemical Phenomena”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo, DARUNA: Scientific, Educational & Literary Journal, Special Issue on “Reforms in the Teaching and Learning of Science”, 2020, 47, 12-16. ISSN: 2312-6051
  • “Student Assumptions and Mental Models Encountered in IR Spectroscopy Instruction”, Lyniesha C. Wright and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry Education Research & Practice, 2020, DOI 10.1039/C9RP00113A
  • “Supporting the Teaching of IR Spectroscopy Concepts Using a Physical Model”, Lyniesha C. Wright and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, 96(5), 1015-1021.
  • “Supporting the growth and impact of the Chemistry Education Research community”, Herrington, D.G., Sweeder, R.D., Daubenmire, P.L., Bauer, C.T., Lowery Bretz, S., Bunce, D.M., Carmel, J.H., Cole, R., DeKorver, B.K., Kelly, R.M., Lewis, S.E., Oliver-Hoyo, M, Ryan, S.A.C.,1 Stains, M., Towns, M.H., Yezierski, E.J. Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, DOI 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00823
  • “Using 3D printed physical models to promote knowledge integration in biochemistry”, Melissa Babilonia-Rosa, H. Kenny Kuo and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry Education Research & Practice, 2018, 19, 1199-1215. DOI: 10.1039/c8rp00075a
  • “Creating 3-D physical models to probe student understanding of macromolecular structure”, A. Kat Cooper and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 2017, 45(6), 491-500. DOI: 10.1002/bmb.21076
  • “The promotion of spatial skills in chemistry and biochemistry education at the college level”, M. T. Oliver-Hoyo and Melissa Babilonia-Rosa, Journal of Chemical Education, 2017, 94(8), 996-1006.
  • “Argument construction in understanding noncovalent interactions: A comparison of two argumentation frameworks”, A. Kat Cooper and M. T. Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2016, 17, 1006-1018. DOI: 10.1039/c6rp00109b
  • “An Analogy Emphasizing the Importance of Available Surface Area in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”, Marc Muniz and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Nano Education, 2015, 7, 1–10.
  • “On the use of analogy to connect core physical chemical concepts to those at the nanoscale”, Marc Muniz and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 2014, 15, 807-823. DOI: 10.1039/c4rp00097h
  • “Investigating Quantum Mechanical Tunneling at the Nanoscale via Analogy: Development and Assessment of a Teaching Tool for Upper-Division Chemistry”, Marc Muniz and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2014, 91(10), 1546-1556. DOI: 10.1021/ed400761q
  • “The Development of a Visual-Perceptual Chemistry Specific (VPCS) Assessment Tool”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo and Caroline Sloan, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2014, 51(8), 963-981.
  • “Physical Models That Provide Guidance in Visualization Deconstruction in an Inorganic Context”, Holly K. Schiltz, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2012, 89(7), 873-877.
  • “Metodologias activas para el aprendizaje de la Fisica: un caso de hidrostatica para su introduccion en la practica docente”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Francisco Alconchel, Gabriel Pinto, Revista Española de Física, Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2012, 26(1), Enero-Marzo, 1-6.
  • “An Acoustic analogy: Tuning Forks and Surface Plasmon Resonance of Metallic Nanostructures”, Marc N. Muniz, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, Journal of Nano Education, 2012, 3, 1-6.
  • “New Tools for Examining Undergraduate Students’ STEM Stereotypes: Implications for Women and Other Underrepresented Groups”, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2011, 152 (Winter), 87-98.
  • “Lessons Learned From The Implementation And Assessment Of Student-Centered Methodologies”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2011, 1(1), 2-11, ISSN 2013-6474
  • “Capturing Stereotypes: Developing a scale to explore U.S. college students’ images of science and scientists”, Mary Wyer, Jennifer Schneider, Sylvia Nassar-McMillan, and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Science, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 2010, 3(2), 381-415.
  • “Using Focus Groups in Preliminary Instrument Development: Expected and Unexpected Lessons Learned”, Sylvia C. Nassar McMillan, Mary Wyer, Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Amy Ryder-Burge, The Qualitative Report, 2010, 15(6), 1621-1634.
  • “Multi-sensory Chemical Equilibrium Investigation as a Learning Lab Experience”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*,and Deborah Bromfield Lee, The Chemical Educator, 2010, 15, 1-5
  • “The chemistry of self-heating products: An activity for classroom engagement”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, G. Pinto, J. Llorens-Molina, J. of Chemical Education, 2009, 86 (11), 1277-1280.
  • “Enjoy a Hot Drink Thanks to Chemistry!”, G. Pinto, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, J. Llorens-Molina, J. of Chemical Education, 2009, 86 (11), 1280A-1280B.
  • “An Esterification Kinetics Experiment that Relies on the Sense of Smell”, Deborah C. Bromfield-Lee and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, Journal of Chemical Education, 2009, 86, (1), 82-84.
  • “Hiring and Promotion in Chemical Education”, Bauer, C.F., Clevenger, J.V., Cole, R.S., Jones, L.L., Kelter, P.B., Oliver-Hoyo, M.T., Sawrey, B.A., Journal of Chemical Education, 2008, 85, 898-901.
  • “What’s in your bottled water? Look at the label!”, Gabriel Pinto and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, The Chemical Educator, 2008, 13, 341-343. WebID: S1430-4171(08)62171-5.
  • “Aspectos fisicoquímicos implicados en las bebidas autocalentables: un caso de aplicación de metodologías activas mediante aprendizaje basado en problemas”, Gabriel Pinto Cañon, Juan llorens Molina, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Anales de Quimica, Real Sociedad Española de Química, 2008, ISSN 1575-3417
  • “Student Evaluations That Generate More Questions Than Answers”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2008, Sept/Oct, 37-39.
  • “Selective Etching via Soft Lithography of Conductive Multilayered Gold Films with Analysis of Electrolyte Solutions”, Ralph W. Gerber and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2008, 85 (8), 1108-1111.
  • “Using Laboratory Chemicals to Imitate Illicit Drugs in a Forensic Chemistry Activity”, Shawn Hasan, Deborah Bromfield-Lee, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo* and Jose A. Cintron-Maldonado, Journal of Chemical Education, 2008, 85 (6), 813-816.
  • “Promoting the Use of Higher-Order Cognitive Skills in Qualitative Problem Solving”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo* and Jason Justice, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2008, May/June, 62-67.
  • “Using the Relationship Between Vehicle Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions to Illustrate Chemical Principles”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo* and Gabriel Pinto, Journal of Chemical Education, 2008, 85 (2), 218-220
  • “A Qualitative Organic Analysis That Exploits the Senses of Smell, Touch, and Sound”, Deborah C. Bromfield-Lee and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007, 84(12), 1976-1978.
  • “Food Enzymes”, Rachel McBroom and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, The Science Teacher, 2007, 74(7), 58-63.
  • “From the Research Bench to the Teaching Laboratory: Gold Nanoparticle Layering”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo* and Ralph W. Gerber, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007, 84 (7), 1174-1176.
  • “Low Cost Six Electrode Instrument for Measuring Electrical Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Gold Nanoparticles”, Ralph W. Gerber and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, Journal of Chemical Education, 2007, 84 (7), 1177-1178.
  • “Lecciones Prácticas de la Implementación de Métodos Inquisitivos de Enseñanza”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Anuario Latinoamericano de Educación Química, Año XIX, N°XXI, 2005-2006, 65-71.
  • “The Use of Triangulation Methods to Validate Results of Qualitative Educational Research”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo* and DeeDee Allen, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2006, Jan/Feb, 42-47.
  • “Attitudinal Effects of a Student-Centered Active Learning Environment”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo* and DeeDee Allen, Journal of Chemical Education, 2005, 82 (6), 944-949.
  • “A Closer Look at Olfactory Titrations”, Kerry Neppel, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, Connie Queen, and Nicole Reed, Journal of Chemical Education, 2005, 82 (4), 607-610.
  • “Fractional Distillation of Air and Other Demonstrations with Condensed Gases”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo and William L. Switzer III, Journal of Chemical Education, 2005, 82 (2), 251-254.
  • “Trucks, Sales, Mechanics, and Repairs: An Analogy for the Method of Initial Rates”, DeeDee Allen* and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, The Chemical Educator, 2004, 10(1), 1-4.
  • “Implementing Inquiry-Guided Instruction: Practical Issues” Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo*, DeeDee Allen, and Misti Ault Anderson, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2004, 33 (6), 20-24.
  • “Effects of an Active Environment: Teaching Innovations at a Research I Institution”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo* and DeeDee Allen, J. Chem. Educ., 2004, 81(3), 441-448.
  • “Visualizing Basic Nuclear reactions”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo* and DeeDee Allen, The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 2003, 6, 167-173.
  • “Designing a Written Assignment to Promote the Use of Critical Thinking Skills”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo,. J. Chem. Educ., 2003, 80(8), 899-903.
  • “Fingerprinting: Commercial Products and Elements”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo* and DeeDee Allen; J. Chem. Educ., 2002, 79 (4), 459-461.
  • “Qualitative Analysis of Fourteen White Solids and Two Mixtures Using Household Chemicals”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo*, DeeDee Allen, S. Solomon, B. Brook, J. Ciraolo, S. Daly, and L. Jackson; J. Chem. Educ., 2001, 78 (11), 1475-78.
  • “Problem Analysis: Lesson Scripts and Their Potential Applications”, Maria Oliver-Hoyo; J. Chem. Educ., 2001, 78 (10), 1425-1428.
  • “Overhead Projector Demonstrations Using Household Materials”, S. Solomon, B. Brook, J. Ciraolo, L. Jackson, Chin Hyu Hur, and M. Oliver-Hoyo; The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 2000, 3(2), 141-147
  • “Generating Noxious Water-Soluble Gases on the Overhead”, Solomon, S., Chinhyu Hur, and Maria Oliver-Hoyo, J. Chem. Educ., 1998, 75 (12), 1581-82
  • “One Hour of Chemical Demonstrations”, Solomon, S., Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Jun Tian and Bryan Brook, Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations; 1(1), 1997, 43-52.

Manuals and Book Chapters

  • “New Tools for Examining Undergraduate Students’ STEM Stereotypes: Implications for Women and Other Underrepresented Groups”, Sylvia C. Nassar-McMillan, Mary Wyer, Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Jennifer Schneider in “Attracting and Retaining Women in STEM: New Directions for Institutional Research”, Joy Gaston Gayles, Ed; Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA 2012.
  • “Content coverage in a lecture format versus activity-based instruction”, Chapter 14 by Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo in “Investigating Classroom Myths through Research on Teaching and Learning”, Bunce, Diane, Ed; ACS Symposium Series: ACS Publications, Wash DC. (Invited chapter) accepted July 2011.
  • “Enriching the Chemistry Experience for ALL Students: Sensorial experiments that include visually challenged students”, Chapter 11 by Maria Oliver-Hoyo in Making Chemistry Relevant: Strategies for Including All Students in a Learner-Sensitive Classroom Environment, Sharmistha Basu-Dutt, Ed.; John Wiley & Sons Inc: NJ 2010, pp 207-225.
  • Oliver-Hoyo, Maria T. Practical Issues on the Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Fully Integrated Laboratory-Lecture Teaching Environment. In The Chemist’s Guide to Effective Teaching: Perspectives and Applications, Vol II; Pienta, N.J., Cooper, M.M., Greenbowe, T.J., Eds.; Prentice Hall: NJ, 2009; Chapter 10.
  • “Inquiry-Guided Approach at the Individual Course”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo* and Robert Beichner in Teaching and Learning through Inquiry: A Guidebook for Institutions and Instructors., Lee, V.S. (Ed.). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC. Fall 2004.
  • “Concepts in General Chemistry”; Laboratory Book (7th Ed) Solomon,S.; A. Addison, and Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo Kendall-Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa, 1999.
  • “Using Household Chemicals in Qualitative Analysis”, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Chemical Education Resources, Thomson Brooks/Cole.